Ed Bradshaw
Ed is a strategy professional who has experience as an advisor to businesses and as a Strategy Director in the corporate world.
Key roles include:
AXA UK & Ireland Region: Director of Group Strategy, M&A and Innovation. Strategy development, innovation leadership
and the execution of all M&A related activity
PWC: Director and Group Leader, Corporate Strategy consulting in Insurance: Practice leadership of UK Corporate Strategy Insurance Consulting. Development of strategic insight and the winning and delivery of strategy consulting projects for UK Retail P&C, Commercial. Insurance, Life, Pensions and Investments clients.
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Practice leadership of the UK Insurance Consulting team.
By background, he is an Oxford University Law graduate and ACA. Ed’s strengths include the ability to understand and preserve the broader strategic perspective in periods of change.
Ed is by nature a person that does not accept that the status quo should go unchallenged and is comfortable operating at Board level. He has a clear focus on the insurance customer and is fluent in the range and severity of the challenges that the Insurance industry faces. His sub-sector expertise covers Retail and Commercial P&C, Life/Wealth and Health Insurance. There has been some exposure to Re-Insurance and Lloyd’s.
Having acted as both a buyer and seller of professional services, Ed is well placed to advise. In addition, he is passionate about people development. He is a natural delegator and receives outstanding upwards feedback for his ability to balance this with high quality coaching.